As a research-led energy consultancy, training and publishing business MJMEnergy has produced a number of energy reports for publication both under its own number or under the brand of its clients such as Cedigaz, The Petroleum Economist, and ESPICOM. Please find tabs to two examples together with our current project for Cedigaz on high pressure gas pipelines.
This extensive report published in 2015 byMJMEnergy contains a wealth of information on LNG supplies, which are still relevant today. This report covers the essential aspects of the LNG industry which include:
The global supply chain.
- The LNG supply and demand outlook 2015-2035.
- The changing shape of LNG supply 2015-2035.
- Profiles and forecasts for 28 existing and potential exporting countries. Where each chapter contains a wealth of data, maps, graphs and tables that clearly illustrate recent activity and expected outcomes throughout the period.
Copies of this report are still available, please contact MJMEnergy for further details..
LNG as a potential transport fuel, especially in shipping and trucking, is attracting considerable interest, due to price, taxation and environmental benefits. This report explores the role of LNG in road, rail and marine transportation, seeking in particular to answer the following questions.
- What are the prospects for LNG as a fuel?
- What are the market drivers and current perspectives?
- What will the role of existing and planned LNG infrastructure be in the development of the market?
For more details see
The purpose of this report is to provide a detailed analysis of the world’s top 100 high-pressure pipelines. This includes information on the following:
- Ownership – This will include information on project structure, its shareholders.
- Construction – This will include the original cost of construction, EPC contractors used, and subsequent upgrades.
- Route – The analysis of the route will include the production of a bespoke pipeline route map, as a well a commentary of particular issues relevant to the pipeline.
- Technical characteristics – Including pipeline length, diameter, wall thickness, material used and MAOP.
This report is now available to buy through the Cedigaz Website, If you have any questions regarding the report please contact MJMEnergy for further details.